June 13, 2003


I don't post much anymore, 'cause no one's reading. I ought to anyway, lest my half-broken brain turn to complete mush.

So here are some mostly random observations and scattered thoughts. Enjoy!

My country is being operated as an ongoing criminal enterprise. Were it a prtivate company, it would be liable for a laundry list of conspiracy charges under the RICO statutes most commonly applied to Organized Crime as we used to know it. The plunder of Iraq is thievery on a staggering scale. The looting of the public treasury here in the United States by Shrub and his many many corporate friends is nothing less than astonishing, and it's not over yet. Repeated tax cut packages further swell the pockets of those who need it the least while crucial services are being cut off due to a lack of funds.

Ya think?

Prosecutors in the Laci Peterson case need to shut the fuck up. Trying this case in the media is the pervue of the defense, and something not looked upon very highly by most folks. Having the agents of the state, whose job is to follow and apply the law, leaking shit all over the media stage is revolting. Then again, take a look at the DC sniper case for an example of how to take a mighty steaming piss into the jury pool...

To say the Shrubministration overstated the case concerning weapons of mass destruction would be to understate the truth, if you'll permit me to butcher the language in ways that amuse me. Colin Powell, allegedly the man in government with integrity coming out of his fucking ears, lied his way through that crucial presentation to the UN, knowing he was doing so every last second of it. The French, a contrary people still harboring aspirations to empire themselves, had it right from the start. The only thing to go after was Hussein himself, and Shrubministration bleatings aside, that was never the aim or justification for invading Iraq, killing thousands of civilians, loosing chaos upon the land, and stealing all of the oil for our greedy selves.

Oops. That sounds suspiciously like the truth of it!

Next up, Iran! Woohoo!

I am not afraid of SARS. Neither should you be. It has killed fewer people in its run than malaria kills in a single day. or AIDS. And so on. It does happen to translate well to a television "news" envorionment, what with all of those Chinese wearing face masks. Too bad it didn't come up so hard on the media radar a little later - it could have been the summer non-story to flog until the fall brings us something else approximating real news. Achoo!

Reality TV isn't. 'Nuff said.

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