March 13, 2009

Better dead than...unionized?

Quite probably.

Behold Matthew Yglesias:

I’m probably not breaking any news if I tell you that American business really hates unions and, thus, really hates the Employee Free Choice Act. Thus, even though John Boehner is trying to destroy the American economy, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is squarely focusing its fire on pro-EFCA Democrats. Your typical business executive would rather let the world burn, or see his children fed to a pack of wild boars, then see a union form at his firm. And it makes a certain amount of sense—businessmen appreciate the value of class solidarity. If you run your company into the ground, you get a nice severance package and another job at another company. But if you let your company be unionized, you’d be dead to your brethren. An attack on one is an attack on all, and they all stand together on this point.

Bear this in mind as you watch the fight against EFCA play out in the coming weeks/months. The battle over stimulus wasn't even a warm up by comparison to the scorched earth tactics now being deployed. And it will get much worse.

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