September 30, 2010

Speaking Of Government Teats...

Matt Taibbi kicks over the Tea Party ant nest and discovers...a bunch of ignorant, angry Republican folks who are quite happy to collect benefits and pensions form the government they regard as absolutely tyrannical.

Same goes for Hatriot candidate Sharron Angle in Nevada, who claims government benefits and health care every month, as does her husband.

But of course, this was never about deficits, budgets, fiscal propriety or any of the other bullshit they've been spewing the last two years, it's about who else might be getting a thin dime of "their" tax money. And what's changed? The color of the president's skin and the party in charge. They fear and hate Others so much they are convinced that now, only now, these same government programs that have been humming along for decades are suddenly some sort of free ATM for the poor and non-white.

It really is nuts, but incredibly revealing.

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