November 2, 2010

Gone Votin'

So we went and did our citizen's duty.

Having moved house since the 2008 election  we went to a different polling place, and it was really busy (of course, last time I voted in the middle of the day, but reported turnout in many places in Oklahoma was characterized as higher than usual during a gubernatorial year).

Rufus was the star of the show - several election workers approached me while I was in line for my ballot to ask questions. This is pretty typical anyplace I go where I wind up in a line, or waiting for something, or standing still for more than two seconds. 

Our xenophobic and spectacularly backward ass state approved a couple of embarrassing and unnecessary ballot questions, and yes, the Sharia Law one passed with flying colors.

State Representative Rex Duncan is remarkably stupid and ignorant, and alas, pretty par for the course in these here parts.

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