March 17, 2004

I just finished my sheets for the NCAA tournament that begins on Thursday. I'd tell ya my picks, but then I'd have to claim them if they lose.

Ok ok, I took Duke on one sheet, and Stanford on the other. I'd love to see Maryland replicate their stunning success in the ACC tourney and win it all, but I think not.

And a note of television pique: During that extraordinary defeat of Duke for the ACC title, ESPN here in the southern plains chose to leave that game, just entering the overtime period, for the very start of the OK State game. I know how important OSU basketball has been in this part of the world this year in light of OU's total collapse, but I can't imagine that any other than the most die hard Okie fans wouldn't want to see the end of a stellar game. Coming on the heels of the amazing comeback Maryland pulled off against NC State just the day before, this was a matter of quality over loyalty.

At any rate, a two cheek moon to ESPN and /or Cox Cable for denying basketball fans everywhere (and especially me!) the end to a spectacular game.

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