March 23, 2004

One of my brackets is completely blown up. Yes, the one where Gonzaga and Stanford play for the national championship. Sadly, they have both been booted from the tourney, and I should have known better. Gonzaga, while very talented, is a victim of parity. Stanford, well, I really should have known better. Yes, only one loss, but their schedule, compared to say, any team in the ACC, was weak, and those sorts of teams always get spanked come tournament time.


I may still be ahead on that blown up bracket due to other picks made in it, and the collapse of several other high profile teams.


The Shrub & pony show is underway on Capital Hill and the CableSpews channels. Colin Powell, who traded any shred of credibility he once had in exchange for our belief during his UN presentation before the Iraq war, is talking around the truth in front of the commission. No surprise, so is everyone else from the administration. Ms. Rice won't even be testifying, sending a deputy stand in to dodge questions. All of this in light of former Terrorism Czar for Shrub (and two other Republican presidents) Mr. Richard Clarke's allegations that the Shrubberies intentionally conflated Iraq with Al Qaeada to manufacture a war they wished to prosecute from the very day they took office.

The commission, hamstrung already by the Shrubsters' refusal to cooperate in timely manner, will wind up issuing a watery report stating that all recent administrations were unprepared for terrorist attacks upon the United States, and it was all due to a "failure of intelligence," the catch-all vague blame phrase these people rely on to get away with extraordinary lies.

Makes me want to puke.

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