April 24, 2003

Ari Does Goebbels

We all know Ari Fleischer, even if we don't know his name. He's that chrome dome guy who's always on the news speaking for the Resident, cause the Rez can't speak his own fucking language. Ari looks like an academic, which is camouflage, meant to throw us off, allay our fears, believe he's really a nice, harmless guy.


Thanks for playing.

Ari is the author of those famous words in the wake of September 11th, advising we Americans to cast off our first amendment rights and "watch what we say" lest we criticize the Shrub administration and cause upset to our Resident, ruining his football watching of a Sunday afternoon with his dog and bag of pretzels.

Ari was the one who left the White House press room in a huff before the war, when Turkey had voted against letting the US Army us it for a base of operations against Iraq. A question was asked about what Mexico might be able to get if it went along with the war on Iraq. Trying his best blustering tone, Ari asked the reported if he was not seriously suggesting that any quid pro quo was available from America for cooperation in the war. The entire room burst into laughter, and he stormed out, petulantly.

Now, in the Santorum affair, Ari has let this gem out:

"the president typically never does comment on anything involving a Supreme Court case."

Here is the punch line. Just a week or so ago, Shrub weighed in on a pending Supreme Court case involving affirmative action, the famous Michigan college admissions case, which Shrub opposes, cause black folk have gotten all the help they need by now, and why can't we all get into Yale on a legacy admission?

Commenting on the glaring discrepancy Ari explained that's why he used the word:


Move over, Goebbels! There's a new sheriff in town, and his name's Ari!

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