April 9, 2003

Blow Shit Up

Cool, let's blow some shit up!

Maybe we can hit some civilians, blast their houses to Kingdom Come, 'cause coming it surely is now that we're here. No worries, someone told us big bad Saddam was there, so it was worth it the extra body parts.

What's that? Huh?

Why don't we take him alive if we know where he is?

Are you referring to our Brainless Leader's empty talk about war crimes?


Maybe a few low level guys go on trial so we can reinforce our unlimited righteousness, but no, Saddami the Salami ain't going on trial, he's goin' straight to Hell where he belongs, to hang out with other war criminals, like Hitler and Richard Nixon, and maybe Rupert Murdoch when he arrives.

Besides, if we took him alive and put him on trial in a venue other than a kangaroo of our own design, Adolf Saddam Hitler Hussein might start talking about classified US intelligence information...


Never mind all of that crap - we're winning the war!

We're kicking ass and not even bothering with the fucking names!

God Bless America - Not Just A Prayer, It's A Demand.

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