August 3, 2004


Unwittingly, I've fallen into fashion. I'm one for muted colors and comfortable fabrics, jeans and slip on Land's End shoes (only 24 smackeroos), a watch and wedidng ring as jewelry. I am vaguely aware of what is or isn't fashionable at any given time, but would fail even the easiest quiz.

So imagine my utter surprise when the lovely header color I chose for my modest rant page turned out to match the Homefries Security Department's choice of Fear Color for this week! It's a cross between blood red and toxic yellow, and approximates orange, though slightly on the dark side. Unfortunately, I remain only a fashionista wannabe, as the new hue doesn't apply to far off Oklahoma. No great loss; the locals would have been howling for a return to good ole Sooner Red.

Reading the newspapers has further disabused me of the fleeting notion that I matched the seaons' coteur, for it turns out to be over three years old. My disappointment knows no bounds. For a brief, glorious moment, I was on the catwalk, preening in my fonts and logo. Alas!

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