August 9, 2004

O'Reilly Rules!

Bill O'Reilly likens himself a simple, blue collar, working man who just happens to be a multi - millionaire. Ol' Bill got his TV start on that hard hitting bastion of television journalism The Current Affair. Maury Povich made himself famous on that show as well, so famous he was swallowed up by the quicksand of daytime blabfest TV. I could write an entire book about O'Reilly's obnxious, lying ways, but Al Franken took care of that for me.

No, my interest in O'Reilly goes beyond the chronic, lying-as-a-matter-of-course and straight into his sanctimonius, pus filled heart.

Read this article about Bill's attack on Jeremy Glick, whose father was killed in Manhattan September 11, then watch the video referenced at the top of the page, which includes scenes from Glick's one and only appearance on the O'Reilly Factor. Note Bill's references to Glick's father.

I once had the passing thought that Franken should maybe give it a rest with the O'Reilly taunting. Now I understand why he does it.

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