August 27, 2004

Step away from the newspaper

Ann Coulter now has fierce competition in the Batshit Wingnut Sweepstakes. Bernadette Malone is vying for the crown with these goodies.

NEXT WEEK, people who hate Republicans plan to release swarms of mice in New York City to terrorize delegates to the National Republican Convention.

Republican-haters plan on dressing up as RNC volunteers, and giving false directions to little blue hair ladies from Kansas, sending them into the sectors of New York City that are unfit for human habitation.

They plan on throwing pies and Lord knows what else at Republican visitors to the city. Prostitutes with AIDS plan to seduce Republican visitors, and discourage the use of condoms, according to liberal journalist Ted Rall.

Never mind that Ted Rall actually said this:

Creatively altered maps of streets and subways will be handed out to button-clad stupid white men. Other saboteurs wearing fake RNC T-shirts will direct them to parts of town where Bush's policies have hit hardest.
Rumor has it that prostitutes suffering from sexually transmitted diseases will discourage the use of condoms with Republican customers.

Seems the bat-shitters are losing their grip on reality beneath the shadow of the impending Republican orgy due to start in NY this coming week. While this woman is particularly off the rails, there is much sweaty thigh rubbing taking place over the prospect of violence during the convention. Salivating, one might say, by those who would profit most from chaos outside the convention hall - Republicans.

It strikes me as more than likely there will be violence during the Republican gathering, and any that does occur wil be blamed on John Kerry. Some may well be started by the tiny contingent of "protesters" whose only committment is to their own entertainment and self-glorification. And some is very likely to be ignited by people planted in the crowds by law enforcement itself, or the Republican apparatus, perhaps the same folks who set up the bow tie riot in Florida during th evote recounts n 2000. Some may recall all of those peple pounding on the doors of the courthouse were actually House and Senate staffers to prominent Republican politicians.

Plants are a very old tactic used to spark violence and discredit large scale protests by casting all in the light shed by a very few. The police can also be directed to corner the protesters and force a pitched battle, a la Seattle and Miami. It would serve the Republicans to have violent confrontations between the police and those in opposition to the current administration. Such confrontations will be excessively covered by the media, used by the Republicans to further smear John Kerry, and will provide yet another fear bludgeon with which the Shrubites can beat citizens into submission.

Yes, Bernadette Malone is batshit crazy, pining away for a "strongman" to step in and put those who would legitimately oppose the recoronation of the Shrub firmly in their place. As in Seattle and Miami, she may well get her wish. Trapped in the middle will be all of those non-violent protesters, and those Americans who take citizenship seriously.

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