February 4, 2009

The Just Say No Crowd

The modern Republican party, be it in or out of power, has a single strength: playing the role of the obstructionist opposition. For the sake of it. In power, they hold up straw men and push though policies intended to fix problems that don't exist, while annihilating the ability of government to function effectively.

Out of power, it looks like this:

In the midst of an economic crisis, the GOP and its allies have convinced a whole lot of people that the only sensible recovery plan is a bad idea. The minority party has not only persuaded news outlets to give them airtime to spew this obviously-ridiculous nonsense, they've also convinced a lot of media figures that they're right.
I do wonder if they have any clear idea of the potential, even likely consequences of doing nothing about the imminent global economic collapse, already well in progress. If they do, then their actions are criminal. If they don't, then we are in deep deep trouble.

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